September 01, 2005 Hurricane “Katrina”
Hurricane “Katrina” hits New Orleans on September 01, 2005 and devastates everything in its path. Homes that were not blown away were left flooded. There were literally billions of dollars worth of homes that were completely destroyed, and thousands of lives lost.
When will people learn. Wooden homes do not work very well in Hurricane prone areas. We are creatures of habit, and are unwilling to delve head on into unknown areas. Concrete homes are not new. They have been in existence for centuries. I believe there is a stigma or a belief that concrete homes have limited design possibilities. And, so therefore they are some what shunned as not being the “in thing”. I believe the “In-Thing” is to survive a Hurricane. Now, that’s cool. We have many choices in building our homes. We are not limited to wood. It is our poor choice that has led us down this path of destruction. Your builder did not have to build in wood. He had choices, just as you do.
These buildings are (Hurricane Resistant Homes) that have survived Hurricane Katrina. It can make the difference between life and death. People that stayed in these homes probably survived the Hurricane. We are not forced to build concrete homes. More lives would have been saved if we were forced to build in concrete. That is a fact. Concrete homes that are flooded can easily be washed clean with a power washer. Electrical sockets can be cleaned out and left open to dry. In addition, they are completely fire proof.
We are going to show you how to build your own Hurricane Resistant Home from top to bottom. You do not need contractors license to build your own home. However, you do need a permit. We will provide you with all of the resources you will need to build your own (Hurricane Resistant Home) free of charge. We do have additional resources and designs available on our CD, “ Hurricane Resistant Homes” for only $29.95 plus shipping and taxes.
Hurricane Proof Windows should be set off in every house to protect from storms used to occur in USA.